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CBR parts - Honda

We got parts for all CBR models, and if you can not find a part or you just can not find exactly the Honda CBR model you have at home, in our honda menu, then you are more than welcome to write to us via our contact form. We correspond regularly back to questions, and may also provide guidance by phone. Remember +45 in front of the number.
Do you know the original number of CBR replacement part, you can also choose to search for it, because we have a very wide HONDA range of spare parts and bits for maintenance.

A little about CBR models from Honda.
In 2015 it was 23 years ago Honda put CBR 900 RR Fireblade in produktion.Den first edition had 893 CC and could make 125 hp.
Much has changed over time but the very concept of four leaves have kept ved.I 2008, one Supersports easy to drive and supple 1,000 cc machine which, moreover, also had a weight / power ratio of 1.12 kg per hp.
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary in 2012, "Bladen" updated but the basic concept has remained the same. The engine design is work the same way, but the PGM DSFI injection system was changed, as now easily remove the throttle (quartz gas and below) provides a more direct and responsive gasfunktion.
The fairing on CBR 1000 RR optimized aerodynamic partly to optimize cooling and to minimize the skirts of the robe negative influence on driving behavior. On the new models will also find equipment like, switch indicators, in addition speedometer, tachometer, gear indicator, coolant temperature gauge, trip meter with selectable views, displaying fuel consumption / - position and clock.

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